Another development by

Our vision is to create a globally significant science destination that fully integrates with its neighbourhood and transforms Cambridge lives.

Our Mission is to challenge the status quo of science parks via the provision of an open, engaging and urban environment. We seek to attract and inspire our occupiers, the local community and visitors to Cambridge.

Our Vision

As part of our wider plans, significant ecological improvements and accessibility will be provided at the lakes (Parcel C) and the currently closed-off land to the north west (Parcel B). This will be in addition to the substantial investment in the urban landscaping of Parcel A, which actively encourages community use and engagement with the future occupiers of the site.

  • R&D

    Creating a world-class science and innovation destination

  • Environmental Improvements

    Prioritising ecological protection and enhancement through habitat-led landscaping

  • Sustainability

    Working with the Environment Agency to sustainably remediate a polluted site

  • Amenities

    Inclusive amenity strategy providing modern facilities for the benefit of occupiers and community alike

  • Sustainable Travel

    Placing active and sustainable travel methods at the core of our strategy

  • Recreation

    Significant provision of new public areas and interactive spaces for all ages

Wider Masterplan and Context

Together, the suitability and scale of the site proposed represents a unique opportunity to catalyse science and technology in East Cambridge, sustainably located within a short distance to Cambridge Station and the city centre.

This is the missing link critical to the Cambridge ecosystem, which can support good growth and greater accessibility of underutilised land while providing tangible community benefits for present and future generations including the creation of an urban country park, in an area where accessible open space is in short supply.

Parcel C - Providing Public Access to The Lakes


Significant new areas of public open space will be opened for recreation, and the enjoyment of local residents. Areas for groups with a special interest in ecology and wildlife.


Four access points will be provided to Burnside Lakes, three along The Tins, and one off Burnside. These will provide excellent access points to the Lakes, with dedicated public cycle parking provided on the western boundary.

This provision, by focusing on active modes of travel, will ensure ease of access for the local community, addressing a deficit in public open space locally.


Biodiversity measures to be associated with Parcel C are outlined within the main body of the ES Chapter, and further details are illustrated within the Biodiversity Net Gain report.

These include:

  • Enhanced Lowland Calcareous Grassland

  • Enhanced Dense Scrub

  • Created Built-form (including proposed Bird Hide)

Parcel B - Safeguarding Ecological Enhancement

A Tranquil Place

This parcel will focus on ecological protection and enhancement. A management plan will be developed and agreed with the Local Authority, that will provide habitats that encourage ecological enhancement. The management plan will also set out how public accessibility will be achieved, without compromising ecological biodiversity.

Parcel A - Urban Park

The scale and design of our proposals represent a unique opportunity to accommodate the entire lifecycle of innovation companies, from discovery through to R&D and manufacturing.

Designed to be open, welcoming and embracing of its natural surroundings, our proposals reimagine East Cambridge and the Cherry Hinton area as the anchor of a new, sustainable Innovation District set within an urban country park.

Creating an Urban Park

  1. Event Space

  2. Whimsical Trees

  3. Playable Attenuation Basin

  4. Designated Play Area

  5. Playful Mound

  6. Service Road

  7. Service Yard

  8. Informal Seating Steps

  9. Ecology Object

  10. Spill Out Space

  11. Cycle/Pedestrian Path

  12. Outdoor Fitness

  13. ‘Sleeping Giant’ Play Area

  14. Shuttle Bus Stop

  15. Seating Plateau/Lookout

  16. Outdoor Laboratory/Seedbed

  17. Seating Space/Social Space

  18. Seating Niche

Socio-economic benefits


average estimated jobs over construction period


spent locally by construction workers


of all jobs in life science do not require a degree


net additional jobs


net additional jobs in Greater Cambridge


support jobs for each innovation job

The Mixer is the centre point of the masterplan, embodying the developments soul and social hub

Located on the widened Tins Public path, The Mixer contains public community spaces including a flexible events space, fitness and wellbeing, a cafe and lookout with a large roof terrace overlooking the lakes to the south.

The Travel Hub has been targeted to incorporate The Workspace Gallery, part of a site wide ‘Veranda’ strategy to activate building frontages

Activity at the Mixer will be supplemented by the workspace gallery designed for local SME businesses and the wider Veranda concept; this envisages experiential, educational and arts space open to the public, enhancing the connection between Science and the community.

State-of-the-art R&D buildings to suit occupiers at all stages of their growth

The research and innovation buildings have been designed with significant flexibility, accommodating a wide spectrum of innovation company sizes and specifications. Collaboration is at its core with public/private spaces, dedicated occupier lounges and large roof terraces.

The first R&D building’s design inspiration is rooted in the chalklands and lakes; earthy, layered and sympathetic to its surrounds.

An Urban Country Park Landscape

An intergenerational community

  1. Play Area 1

  2. Playful Mound

  3. Fitness Area 1

  4. Play Area 2

  5. Fitness Trail Stop

  6. Play Area 3

  7. The Sleeping Giant

Play Strategy
- North of the Tins

Play Area 1

Playful Mound

Fitness Area 1

Play Area 2

Fitness Trail Stop

Play Area 3

The Sleeping Giant

  1. Table Tennis Area

  2. Fitness Area

  3. Recreational Area 1

  4. Recreational Area 2

  5. Accessible Basketball Court

Play Strategy
- South of the Tins

Table Tennis Area

Fitness Area

Recreational Area 1

Recreational Area 2

Accessible Basketball Court

We will produce a document called an SCI which will inform the Council Officers and Councillors of what we have done. It also records the comments we receive.

Informed by Cherry Hinton

Public Exhibition 21st and 24th June Feedback was very supportive – 21 supportive to 10 not so and 6 neutral.

Science is our starting point as we think about setting the conditions for innovation in the 21st century.

We’re a specialist investor, operator and developer focused on the delivery of creative solutions for the evolving Science and Innovation sector.

As an operator as well as a developer, we have a vested interest in, and commitment to ensuring that what we develop is sustainable, both in environmental terms, but also in terms or continuing to work to embed the development and the wider “Urban Country Park” within the local community, not just the Innovation community.

Our Mission is to become the partner of choice for the UK’s research and innovation sector, supporting the entire lifecycle from discovery to R&D and manufacturing.

BGO is a leading, global real estate investment management advisor with approximately $83bn of assets under management across Europe, Asia and North America.

BGO is a global leader in ESG and sustainable practices, with top rankings in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, 90% (5 star) rating from United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, and ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence for the 12th consecutive year (2022).